12th November 2003 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Wednesday 12th November, 2003 at 1.30 p.m.

Present:   Ms Maura McGrath (Chairperson)
   Dr Liz Keane 
   Dr Cees van der Poel
   Dr Gerry Crotty
   Dr Mary Horgan
   Ms Valerie Mannix  
   Dr Helen Enright
Apologies:    Mr Tony McNamara

In Attendance: Mr Andrew Kelly (A/CE)
   Dr William Murphy (NMD)
   Mr. Michael Healy (SEO)

1. Minutes of Meeting 15.10.2003
The minutes of the Board meeting held on Wednesday October 15th 2003 were adopted on the proposal of Dr. L. Keane, seconded by Dr. G. Crotty and signed by the Chairperson.

2. Matters arising

Tissue Banking
It was noted that the Department of Health & Children will be assessing and evaluating the national criteria for all types of tissue banking in line with the forthcoming EU Directive on setting standards of quality and safety for the collection, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human tissue and cells.  The Department has informed the IBTS that this assessment will be undertaken in the months ahead and they looked forward to the co-operation of the IBTS in this process.

Donor Notification
Legislation regarding Committees of Investigation is not expected to be enacted before 2004.

Development of Cork Centre
The Chairperson briefed the Board on the meeting she and A/CE had with the Minister for Health & Children regarding the development of the Cork Centre.  It was noted that the Minister hoped to be in a position to give approval to a design team before the end of 2003.  The Minister agreed that any urgent contingency refurbishment that needed to be carried out could proceed, pending the establishment of the new centre.

It was noted that Mr. David Keenan had been appointed to the Board for the period commencing 22nd September 2003 to 21st September 2006.  It is expected that the remaining vacancies on the Board will be filled in the near future.

The Chairperson enquired as to how the Health Reform Programme would impact on the IBTS.  The Minister explained that action groups were set up to advise on various aspects of the Reform Programme and would be reporting at the end of the year.  It will be clearer then how the Reform Programme will progress.  It is therefore still too early to assess how the IBTS will be affected.  It was agreed that the Department of Health & Children would appraise the IBTS of any significant developments that would impact on the IBTS (in any area of the service, and not just relating to the Reform Programme).  Likewise, the Department of Health & Children will be kept informed on issues emerging at IBTS level.

3. Chief Executive’s Report

The report was noted.

4.  Development of Cork Centre

The A/CE circulated the Board with the Bruce Shaw Solution Appraisals for IBTS at St. Finbarr’s Hospital, Cork.  The document presented various options and costings for the development of the Cork Centre.  The A/CE briefed the Board on the documents.

The Board invited Dr. J. Power to make a presentation on the development of the Cork Centre.  Dr. Power circulated her report putting forward a number of options. The costs of each option were based on the Bruce Shaw figures.  The Project Team recommended that Option 1 be adopted.  In response to various questions Dr. Power explained that Option 1 would be modular and flexible and that there was ground space available for expansion should the need arise.

The Chairperson thanked Dr. Power for her presentation and reminded her that the Board attached the utmost importance to the issue and would not accept any delay on the matter and was fully committed to implementing the development of the Cork Centre.  The Board agreed that the project team would be fully resourced and staffed to carry out the mission given to it by the Board.  The Board agreed to implement Option 1 and to investigate the possibility of extending option 1 to include a components laboratory as part of the development.

It was agreed that Bruce Shaw would be requested to advise on the matter and to assess the additional cost of including the Components laboratory as part of the interim developments.

The Board reiterated the IBTS policy that any communication with the media must be through the Communications Manager / Chief Executive and dealt with in the normal way.

5. Donor Notification 1991 - 1994

6. Budget 2004

The Director of Finance presented to the Board on the Budget for 2004 focussing on the assumptions used in drafting the budget, strategic priorities for 2004, major factors affecting income and expenditure, in particular clotting factor substitutes.

 The major recommendations were ;

i. develop a clear plan for use of accumulated surplus
ii. increase price of red cells and platelets by %
iii. change mark-up on all clotting factor substitutes to % based on new contract prices and VAT change
iv. maintain all other sales prices for 2004 at current levels (effectively 2002 prices)

It was agreed that a strategic plan is required to allow for more effective budgeting.

The major cost factor associated with bacteriological testing is staff costs.  The Director of Finance agreed to re-visit the WTE staff costs which affect the unit cost of platelets.

The Chairperson thanked the Director of Finance for her comprehensive presentation.

The Board agreed to implement the recommendations.

7. Organisation Development Programme

It was noted that the Chairperson, A/CE and the OD programme facilitators would be meeting in the near future to review the programme.

8. Finance Committee Minutes 03.09.03

The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting 03.09.03 were noted.  It was agreed that the selection of nominees for the Audit and Finance Committees would be deferred to a future meeting.

9. Minutes of MAC Meetings – 09.07.03 & 10.09.03

The minutes of MAC meetings of 09.07.03 and 10.09.03 were noted.  The MAC discussed Bacteriological Testing of Platelets which has been included in the budget for 2004.

10. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is December 10th 2003 and the Board will be meeting at the earlier time of 1pm.  Board members are invited to the Chairman’s drinks for staff at the NBC at 4pm.  The Board Christmas dinner will also take place on the evening of 10th December.  Board members who have finished their terms of office during 2003 have been invited to the Christmas dinner.

  Signed:…………………………..   Date:…………………………….